quarta-feira, 12 de agosto de 2009

Hi everybody,

I am very glad to recive visitors from all over the globe on this blog. All of you people Be Welcome and hope you enjoy it and have fun. This Wolrd Map pic shows the 100 last recent visitors. Thanks everyone,

United State of America - New York, LA, California, Washington, Florida, South Carolina, Arkansas,Texas, Georgia, Charlotte, Arizona, Utah, Ohio
Mexico - Guadalajara
India - Maharashtra
Tukey - Burdur
Portugal - Corroios
Netherlands - Zwolle
Norway - Vassenden
Austria - Vcklabruck
Spain - Bilbao, Madrid
Germany - Orberkirsh, Rendsburg, Bayern
France - Romans-Sur-Isre
Italy - Collechio
Chile - Santiago
Angentina - Buenos Aires
Peru - Cusco
Colombia - Medelln
Israel - Haifa
Greece - Athens

*And all friends from Brasil, Thanks everybody!!!


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